*** Known bugs, questions and answers *** Q: The cachesize is greyed out. How can I enable it? A: The cachesize is only availeble when you have Netbeui installed. If it's greyed out you won't need it. Q: The text of the buttons are gone. A: You've probably installed Internet explorer 5. Since IE 5 the text is gone. No solution yet. Q: Since I've used EasyMTU, the download speed is down! A: Just restore suggested values. You already have maximum speed. Q: Since I've used EasyMTU, the Local Area Network speed is down! A: Check if you've selected the right adapter on the bindings page. Try to restore the DefaultRcvWindow to default. Q: Does EasyMTU work for Cable modem, network, ISDN etc.? A: I cannot test it because I don't have all the equipment. Just try it. Q: Where can I get the latest information about Rob Vonk's free software? A: http://www.rob.cybercomm.nl/ Q: What are the right settings for Netscape / Internet explorer? A: MaxMTU is browser independend. It changes the network protocol settings. Q: How do I know if it's working? A: You can try a 'before' and 'after' benchmark and see if it makes a difference. If it doesn't then the default settings are the best you can get. Q: Why doesn't you reply my e-mail? I did say it was URGENT! A: I get a lot of e-mail every day. Most questions are included in this list. Because all my programs are free, I cannot give support. Q: Hey! I like your programs. Can you make a program for me that does XYZ? Or do you know where I can find it? A: I'm sorry. All of my free time goes to my family and developing my own free programs. For real freeware go to http://www.nonags.com Q: Does EasyMTU work with Dun 1.3? A: Probably not. Dun 1.3 uses a complete different method for package sizes. It's more like Win 98 so Dun 1.3 is an improvement over Dun 1.2 and lower. A friend of my had troubles with Dun 1.3 so I didn't try it myself. Q: What do all these technical terms mean (MaxMTU, TTL, DefaultRcWindow etc.)? A: Look in the help for a short description. Search at microsoft, altavista or buy a book about TCP/IP. Q: Can you teach me how to make such great programs? A: No I'm sorry. Buy a good book from Marco Cantu. *** Howto contact me *** If you have a question about EasyMTU or you want to donate money :-) mailto: robvonk@dds.nl Please include the following: - Declare that you've read the help, readme and the website and you still have a question - Version of EasyMTU you're using - Operating system you are using - EXACT description of the bug so that I can reproduce it